Turns out the Villas homeowners do have two options for paying the road conversion assessment. If you choose not to pay the lump sum as billed, the city will convert you to annual payments over 10 years that will accrue interest at the rate of 9% per year and will be due annually August 5th. It does seem strange that the city would not have mentioned this in your bill, but thanks to our Secretary for researching this. You may want to call in to the city to confirm. ![]()
The Board has been notified of the lump sum Oklahoma City bill received by Villas homeowners for the road conversion completed in 2018. As documented in the numerous posts on the road conversion project, through multiple conversations with the city we were led to believe that the assessment would be spread out over several years (we were told "most likely 10 years"). It appears that the City Council met last week and decided at that time to charge the assessment in a single bill. We have contacted the HOA attorney to see what our options are for addressing this problem. We'll keep you posted through the blog unless the information is sensitive or input from neighbors is needed.
Here is a quick update on the Villas. We believe that the end of this project is very near. City Counsel met and approved the Tax Assessment District on September 11, 2018. According to our contact, the contractor should begin work mid to late October. He is now telling us that construction should be about a week. We are working to get bids on gate removal and will try to have the removal accomplished to coincide with the end of construction. Once we have more information we will pass it along to you. ![]()
esWe have spoken with the city for an updated time line for this project. Right now we are still a little unclear about the timeline since the timeline given to us in April do not match up with the minutes of City Council. In April, I was given the following schedule: April 24 – City Council authorizes final plans and specs July 3 – City Council advertises plans and specs for bid July 24 – Bids are opened August 14 – City Council awards contract 60 day construction period However, as of the August 14 City Council meeting, it appears that only the plans and specs have been approved and a date has been set to create the tax assessment district on September 11, 2018 during the next City Council meeting. This is good news because now we have something official to point at as evidence for progress. After this meeting, the district will be created and then then they move forward with obtaining bids for the project. Once the City Council awards the bid, then construction begins. What we are still unclear about is the timeline from the creation of the district to the beginning of construction. Currently we are seeking this information. Here is an excerpt of the reason this is behind schedule from our contact with the city: "...[t]hey are allowing me to move several steps concurrently since I fell behind on getting the necessary modifications made by the engineer to the preliminary report. I am sure it is because I am unfamiliar with the process, but it seems that the Silverhawk HOA providing the preliminary created questions about what steps had been met and what remained." We are monitoring the meeting minutes and will provide an update after the September meeting. Below we are providing you with the documents from City Council regarding the matter. ![]()
We held a meeting on Thursday, October 26th at 7pm at the SilverHawk Clubhouse. At the meeting we discussed the status of the project and the steps and timeline to finally get the project moving forward.
Here is brief overview of the timeline and process moving forward: 1. 51% Minimum must sign the petition to create the tax assessment district If we don't get enough votes on this petition, then our next step in the process to repair the road is to have a vote for a special assessment in the Villas which will be somewhere near $4,700 per home due prior to hiring the contractor to do the repairs. If that special assessment does not pass, then we will have to save 8.6 years just to have the money required to fix the road in its current state of disrepair. In 8.6 years, the cost to repair the road may double or triple. This means that if this does not pass, the Villas road will be in a continues state of decline with no money available for repairs. 2. City Council passes a resolution to create the tax assessment district after review of documents prepared by the city engineers. (The tax assessment district is just a method of assessing the owners of the Villas for the cost of the project over a 10-15 year period.) The timeframe to get to this step is approximately 60 days from the date that we turn in the petition and our application fee of $10,000. 3. Construction begins to repair the road and bring the area up to city code. 4. Construction ends 5. City formally takes ownership of the road. The timeframe to get to this step is approximately 9-12 months from the day we turn in the petition. If there are any questions please respond to this post and we will answer them for you. Kevin Mashburn will be going door-to-door on behalf of the HOA to collect signatures on the petition for the tax assessment district. Essentially, this is the document that gives the city permission to assess the homes in the Villas the cost for the repair of the road to bring it up to code. This is the last document that we will have to obtain from the homeowners for this project. We must have at a minimum 51% of the owners in the Villas to proceed.
Meeting with Craig Wallace of SRB on June 12th, 2017 (the Contractor)Chris Painter met with Mr. Wallace on site inside the Villas. During our walk through, he mentioned several areas of concern and noted that the roads are beginning to deteriorate significantly. In addition to the cracking, he also noted that the ramps no longer meet code and that they would have to be reconstructed to meet code. He gave me a very rough estimate of the cost to complete the project but we have determined not to release that preliminary number at this time. We want to wait to see what the report says after an in-depth analysis has been completed.
We have received the preliminary engineering analysis from SRB. This report is for us to present to the city for review and acceptance. What should be understood about the price is that this cost will be payed from each homeowner in the Villas. It will be spread over fifteen years per home through taxes. More information will be available at a later date as we move through the process. Next Steps: Working with the City (8/1/2017)Now that we have received the engineering analysis, we have made contact with the City and are awaiting their response. We are hoping to have an answer in the next 6-8 weeks on whether or not to move forward with this project. If you have questions you may direct them to Chris Painter, President. [email protected] Update (9/24/2017)We are still awaiting a response from the City. We have reached out to the manager once again and will try to contact him this week for answers on our next step. Procedures for Tax Assessment Districts![]()
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