Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Neighborhood Services Corporation Attn: SilverHawk HOA 1326 Fretz Drive Edmond, OK 73003 Contact: Kara Gentry Office Phone: 405-348-1436 Email: [email protected] |
Clubhouse Address:
17804 SilverHawk Way Edmond, OK 73012 |
NOTICE: SilverHawk utilizes our website and email list to communicate to its members regarding Association business. Unless otherwise required by law, all notices will be posted here.
SilverHawk has created a few committees that can help with specific issues. Please read the description of each committee and navigate to that page to contact the committee chair. By contacting us this way, you can be sure that you are getting directly connected with the person most likely able to help.
Please visit one of the following committee pages to submit an issue, ask a question or provide feedback:
Response Times: The SilverHawk HOA Board and Subcommittees are composed of unpaid volunteers with private lives and outside obligations. We actively read all submissions, manage them as needed, and address them as quickly as possible. However, please give us time to do so. (In other words, you may not receive an immediate response.) Also, please understand that some issues require significant time to resolve. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
- Architectural Review Committee (Click Here)
- (Questions about building a structure, pergola, installing playground equipment, storage shed, fence, etc.)
- Welcoming and Social Committee (Click Here)
- (Garage sale, neighborhood gatherings, questions about the neighborhood for new owners, things you would like to see on the website, Facebook, Suggestions to make the website better, etc.)
- Covenants Committee (Click Here)
- (Questions about the neighborhood rules, meetings, filing a complaint about a violation of rules, or comments and suggestions about these type of topics.)
- Grounds and Improvements Committee (Click Here)
- (Questions regarding grounds upkeep or suggestions to improve our grounds)
- Pool and Clubhouse Committee (Click Here)
- (Questions regarding the pool or clubhouse, reporting violations of the pool rules, comments and suggestions to make the pool and clubhouse better)
Response Times: The SilverHawk HOA Board and Subcommittees are composed of unpaid volunteers with private lives and outside obligations. We actively read all submissions, manage them as needed, and address them as quickly as possible. However, please give us time to do so. (In other words, you may not receive an immediate response.) Also, please understand that some issues require significant time to resolve. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
NextDoor is a great communication tool and we encourage every homeowner to join. SilverHawk utilizes NextDoor from time to time to raise awareness about issues going on in the neighborhood. Although we do post there, we do not regularly monitor it. We also do not routinely respond to questions submitted via NextDoor. If you need to contact us, please do so through the committee options listed above or through one of the board members.
Nextdoor is the private social network for our community. It's the easiest way for you and your neighbors to talk online and make all of your lives better in the real world. Each website is password-protected and not accessible by search engines.
Only real neighbors allowed - Each member must verify their address to join so you know you can trust who you are sharing with.
Current residents of the neighborhood can register online using NextDoor:
Nextdoor is the private social network for our community. It's the easiest way for you and your neighbors to talk online and make all of your lives better in the real world. Each website is password-protected and not accessible by search engines.
Only real neighbors allowed - Each member must verify their address to join so you know you can trust who you are sharing with.
Current residents of the neighborhood can register online using NextDoor: